2024 Program

GCP sessions take place twice a day on the second Thursday of every month (except January and August – though we might use these months to host special sessions). Session A starts at 9am Central European Time, Session B starts at 11am Eastern Time (convert to your time zone here).

We provide a detailed program overview, including topics, presenters and link to registration for our members in the members area.

On this page, we provide an overview of topics in 2024 for those who might be interested to join our community and any of our sessions. Please note than none of our session are recorded to maintain an intimate conversational space. To join, please get in touch with us here!

DateSession A (starts 9am CET)Session B (starts 5pm CET)
8 FebListening to the Other, Listening to Ourselves: using deep listening to ignite generative thinking and find creative solutions 
to the challenges we are facing
Introducing Peace Engineering: A new discipline and practice for surviving war and global warming
14 MarPeace: 
what do people
really know? 
Resistance and Curiosity: an immigrant psychotherapist’s approach to cultivating a peaceful relationship with the unknown
11 AprOvercoming Tragedy in today’s violent world Tribalism: Creating Cultures of Belonging at a Time of Separation
9 MayGraffiti and Street Art: a tool for fostering empathy, understanding of ‘the other’s’ pain, and dialogue Building a Virtual Learning Community: the GCP journey from isolation to multilogue 
13 JunPopulism Diversophy: political rhetoric & dehumanizing discourse Populism Diversophy:
political rhetoric & dehumanizing discourse 
11 JulFirst Peace Circles: An Earth Wisdom framework for creating a culture of consciousness of peace in the world Perspectives from the Peripheries of the World
AugNo session No session 
12 SepBusiness as a force for good: How to change the narratives of social impact, Africa, and dignified hygiene The Evolutionary Shift of Women Over 50: What It Is and How It Supports Humanity’s Progress
10 OctInner Growth for Global Change: How to bring the power of inner development goals to the global challenges faced by humanityAchieving an Elusive Peace
14 NovDepolarising Communication and Attitudes: How to build bridges when you feel like tearing them downContact Theory: A new way of looking at small team effectiveness 
12 DecYears in Review/Preview: 
Open Space conversations
Years in Review/Preview: Open Space conversations